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DoxAdvisors Shares Tips to Success as a Channel Partner

DoxAdvisors helps law firms organize and manage their documents to maximize their productivity and efficiency, ensuring the firms are skilled to deploy Worldox, NetDocuments, and other document management solutions. DoxAdvisors was founded in 2015 by John Rock and Peter Brannigan and became a Channel Partner in 2018 after collaborating with Tabush Group on a mutual client.

Why Partner with Tabush Group?

Rock mentions several reasons why they partner with Tabush Group:

  • Boxtop DaaS solution. “We enjoy working with Boxtop because of the mobility it offers our clients, the ability to integrate programs like Worldox and Tabs3 seamlessly, and when it comes to platforms, you will not find anything better. It is good for the client and is good for us as Channel Partners.”
  • Leadership and direction of Tabush Group. “We want to collaborate with a company that is well run, has good technology, and is very innovative.”
  • Shared culture and values. “Having a good value system is important when deciding who we work with. Tabush Group puts the clients over dollars by delivering a quality product and quality service. We have the same philosophy and value system.”
  • Open lines of communication from the top down. “If we have a question or a problem arises, we want to know that we can contact anyone at Tabush Group, from the Leadership team to a client manager or a tech. We do not want to jump through multiple layers to reach the right person. We can call or email anyone at Tabush Group at any time, and they will reply in a timely manner to help. Not all firms have that in place, and it sets Tabush Group apart.”

Benefits of the Partnership

There are many benefits to being a channel partner, but DoxAdvisors says that the co-marketing opportunities throughout the year are among the best. Brannigan said “We love being a part of any interviews, webinars, roundtables, and any other marketing initiatives. We look at Tabush Group as leading us and feel it is great the way it is working.” Rock and Brannigan both agreed that they look to many more years of partnering with Tabush Group.

Tabs3 and Worldox: In the Cloud, without Compromise Webinar

Worldox Integration with Microsoft Teams Webinar

Interested in becoming a Channel Partner? Visit tabush.com/channel-partner-program to learn more.