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Tabush Group's Cloud & Managed IT Blog

5 Elements of a Good BYOD Policy

With the prevalence of remote and hybrid work, many firms have implemented a bring your own device (BYOD) policy. While allowing employees to use their personal devices for work can increase flexibility and cut down on costs, a lax approach increases the risk of security and data breaches. Here are 5 ways to improve your firm’s BYOD policy and keep your data secure.

The Biggest Cyberattacks of 2022

Since the inception of information technology, cybersecurity has come a long way. Unfortunately, cyberattacks have kept pace and malicious actors are constantly on the hunt for new targets. High-profile cyberattacks frequently occur across a variety of industries, proving that anyone can become a target. If 2022 taught us anything, it’s that no business or service is safe from becoming a target. Here are some of the biggest cyberattacks of 2022.

Choosing the Right Cloud: SaaS, DaaS, IaaS, or PaaS?

Businesses and professional service firms are becoming increasingly reliant on cloud services to support their technology needs. But with a variety of options available, finding the right cloud service for your business can feel overwhelming. Before you make the switch, here are the various cloud services and the advantages they offer.

Do You Need Cybersecurity Insurance?

Cybersecurity breaches are consistently increasing in frequency, and businesses, especially those who handle sensitive information, need to be prepared. Virtually everyone employs safety measures such as firewalls and anti-virus software as the first line of defense. However, when a breach does occur, your business may incur financial losses and be liable for any damages to third parties. Cybersecurity insurance can protect your firm from the fallout of a data breach, mitigating losses and damages.

My Favorite Chrome Feature, What is DaaS, and More in my Quarterly Update

People often ask me what's on my mind, what I'm working on, and what's "new and exciting." Since I'm not big on social media, this is how I share these things a few times a year.

When Should a Company Hire a Managed IT Service Provider?

Partnering with a managed IT service provider (MSP) can take the heavy lifting off your company, allowing you to focus on your core business goals. Determining when to switch your company's IT to a third-party MSP can be a difficult decision. Here are some of the best indicators to know when partnering with an MSP can be the right decision for your company.

Helpful Tips for Using Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams has become a key part of communications for many organizations. The ease of messaging, video conferencing, and collaborating increases productivity and workplace flexibility. Although Teams is simple to use, it is a powerful tool with a variety of useful features. Here are some helpful tips to boost your productivity when using Microsoft Teams.

Better Performance and Free Boxtop Upgrades on the Way

We already announced free upgrades for every Boxtop user from 6GB to 8GB RAM. Now, we’re giving you even more! Tabush Group is excited to announce additional upgrades for every Boxtop user from 150GB to 250 GB of local disk space.

How DaaS Can Help Your Firm Manage BYOD

“Bring Your Own Device” or BYOD is a growing trend accelerated by the pandemic. According to a report by market research firm Technavio, the BYOD market is expected to grow by $69.07 billion, or 15.06% annually, from 2021 to 2026. BYOD offers potential benefits for both employers and employees, but it can open a pandora’s box of security concerns if the employer does not implement and enforce a strict BYOD policy. Desktop as a Service (DaaS) is especially effective at helping employers manage their BYOD policy.