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Tabush Group's Cloud & Managed IT Blog

Top 9 Challenges of Remote Access and How Your Business Can Overcome Them

In today’s fast-paced business environment, having access to your applications and data from outside the office is a must. 

Employees often work remotely from multiple locations, including their homes, and must be able to solve an unexpected client emergency or handle other business-critical issues from anywhere.

One popular way to work from outside the office is a remote desktop access solution where a third-party service or operating system feature allows users to see and interact with their desktop from anywhere as if they were on-site. 

However, remote access is not without its challenges. Here are some of the top challenges faced by people who rely on remote access solutions and how to overcome them.

Should Law Firms Have Remote Desktop Options?

The traditional law firm office with desktop computers and bulky on-premise servers is no longer optimal for a hybrid or remote work environment. To thrive today, law firms need IT systems enabling attorneys and staff to perform all their tasks efficiently, productively, and securely whether they are in the office or working from home, court, a client’s office, or even on the go. Remote desktop solutions, which allow users to access their desktop computer from any location, were developed to help support a flexible workplace. However, for the reasons enumerated below, Desktop as a Service (DaaS) is a far superior option for law firms.

What if Your Firm Never Had to Buy Another PC?

For many firms, adding headcount means shopping for new computers. Depending on your needs, you may pay anywhere from $400 for a basic desktop with limited storage space to $3,500 for a high-quality PC with a large hard drive but the shopping doesn’t stop there. Growing firms need incremental server storage upgrades, and every few years, PCs and servers become antiquated and must be replaced. But there is an alternative: By moving to the cloud, your firm could avoid ever having to buy another PC.

The Costs of Bad IT: Impacts on Efficiency, Productivity, Security, and Talent Retention

When choosing IT solutions for your business, cost is certainly an important consideration. But in addition to comparing pricing of various IT products and services, it’s crucial to weigh the costs associated with having bad IT. An unreliable, inefficient, and insecure system that is ill-suited to the functionality of your business can send your bottom line into a downward spiral. Below are four ways that bad IT can be costly to your company.  

Making Hoteling Work: Benefits and Implementation Tips for Your Firm

Many companies have changed the way they work, with many adopting some form of a flexible workplace. According to a 2022 survey of 25,000 American workers by McKinsey and Ipsos, 58% reported that they had the opportunity to work from home at least one day a week. As companies have transitioned to a flexible workplace model, many have turned to hoteling as a system for managing their hybrid workforces. When done right, hoteling can provide many benefits for both employers and employees.

Is Outsourcing IT Cost-Effective for Small and Midsize Companies?

To survive and thrive in today’s competitive world, small and midsize companies need their IT systems to be reliable, secure, efficient, and effectively designed to align with their business goals. However, it is often cost-prohibitive for small and midsized businesses to build and maintain an IT system in-house that checks all the boxes they need.

Given the complexity of IT and the crucial role it plays in every aspect of a business’s operations, companies outsource IT more than any other service. In 2023, spending on IT outsourcing is projected to reach $519 billion globally, a 22% increase from 2019 and 71% of the total outsourcing expenditure pie of $731 billion, according to Deloitte. Nearly two-thirds of organizations (63%) cited cost-cutting as an important benefit of outsourcing their IT in the Deloitte report. Here are a few ways that partnering with a managed IT service provider (MSP) can help your company cut costs.

The Unexpected Benefits of Hybrid Work

As many firms continue to embrace a hybrid work environment, others are still on the fence. While fully remote and always in-office both have their advantages, a hybrid work environment combines the best of both arrangements. As firms seek to compete for top talent, improve work-life balance, and enhance their productivity, the advantages of a hybrid work model are becoming increasingly clear. Here are a few unexpected benefits of a hybrid work environment.

Annual Update 2023

Despite the unpredictability of 2022, Tabush Group rose to the challenge and demonstrated our strength as innovators. Our pursuit to be better led us to improve our technical landscape, streamline our personnel processes, and enhance our internal and external communications. Above all else, we delivered outstanding service to our clients that exceeded expectations. Read our annual update below for an in-depth look at our progress in 2022 and a glimpse into our plans for the future.

5 Elements of a Good BYOD Policy

With the prevalence of remote and hybrid work, many firms have implemented a bring your own device (BYOD) policy. While allowing employees to use their personal devices for work can increase flexibility and cut down on costs, a lax approach increases the risk of security and data breaches. Here are 5 ways to improve your firm’s BYOD policy and keep your data secure.