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Tabush Group's Cloud & Managed IT Blog

Say Goodbye to Password Expiration

Password expiration notifications are typically met with groans from users. No one wants to trade a familiar password that they can input from muscle memory for one that they have to think up and memorize. But the good news is, many companies are doing away with mandatory password expiration policies, as these policies are no longer necessary or even recommended under today’s cybersecurity best practices.

5 Elements of an Effective Cyber Breach Response Plan

When it comes to cybersecurity, a strong defense is the best offense. But with the threat landscape constantly evolving and cyber criminals becoming ever craftier, even the best-protected companies are vulnerable to a cyber attack. In addition to implementing multi-faceted protections to prevent a breach, having a detailed cyber breach response plan in the event of a cyber incident is crucial to securing your operations and minimizing the fallout. Cyber breach response plans are unique to each company and must be customized, but below are the main elements of an effective plan. 

Are You Running Microsoft Server 2012? Time is Running Out.

In October 2023, Microsoft Server 2012 will reach end of life (EOL) for extended support, which will leave your applications and infrastructure vulnerable. If you’re still running Microsoft Server 2012, you have a decision to make – and soon!

Top 6 Questions to Ask a Managed Service Provider | Essential Guide

Businesses rely more heavily on technology today – which means getting it right is more important than ever. You can’t afford ill-timed outages, costly cyber breaches, or inefficient processes if your firm wants to remain competitive and effectively serve your clients. Because IT has become increasingly complex and costly for small and midsize businesses to do on their own, many turn to Managed IT Service Providers (MSPs) to fulfill some or all of their technology needs. Thoroughly vetting a potential IT provider is an essential first step to ensure that your firm's needs are effectively met. Here are 6 key questions to ask MSPs before you commit to a partnership.

6 Advantages of Managed IT Services in New York City

New York City is a highly competitive place to do business. In fact, a study by the Economist Intelligence Unit ranked New York the most competitive city on the planet. To succeed here, your law firm can’t afford to have its IT system go down due to faulty equipment, and you certainly can’t accept the security risks and lost productivity that inefficient, insecure IT breeds. Your law firm needs to focus its time and energy on your core business to stay ahead of your competitors. Partnering with a New York City-based managed IT service provider (MSP) can help you with all these realities and more.

Making Hoteling Work: Benefits and Implementation Tips for Your Firm

Many companies have changed the way they work, with many adopting some form of a flexible workplace. According to a 2022 survey of 25,000 American workers by McKinsey and Ipsos, 58% reported that they had the opportunity to work from home at least one day a week. As companies have transitioned to a flexible workplace model, many have turned to hoteling as a system for managing their hybrid workforces. When done right, hoteling can provide many benefits for both employers and employees.

Best Practices for Your Firm's Strong Password and MFA Policy

For law firms, cybersecurity should always be at the forefront of your IT. Data breaches are costly to your operations, your reputation, and to your clients. One of the most important aspects of cybersecurity is a strong password and multi-factor authentication (MFA) policy. Here are some of the most effective practices for implementing a strong password and MFA policy for your firm.

How to Evaluate Cloud Desktop Solutions for Your Law Firm

With many law firms requiring a more flexible workspace, cloud-based business solutions continue to grow in popularity. One such solution, Desktop as a Service (DaaS), moves your desktops, servers, applications, and files to a secure, private cloud. This allows your attorneys and staff to safely access their desktops from anywhere, on any device. As the number of DaaS providers continues to grow, it can be challenging to find the right partner for your firm. When vetting a DaaS provider, there are several important factors to keep in mind.

The Biggest Cyberattacks of 2022

Since the inception of information technology, cybersecurity has come a long way. Unfortunately, cyberattacks have kept pace and malicious actors are constantly on the hunt for new targets. High-profile cyberattacks frequently occur across a variety of industries, proving that anyone can become a target. If 2022 taught us anything, it’s that no business or service is safe from becoming a target. Here are some of the biggest cyberattacks of 2022.