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Tabush Group's Cloud & Managed IT Blog

When To Change Managed IT Service Providers for My Law Firm

Technology is integral to your law firm’s successful operations. An efficient, secure, accessible, and well-designed IT system will support your ability to provide outstanding client service and distinguish yourself in an increasingly competitive marketplace. As aw firms evolve, their managed IT service provider must be able to provide solutions that support their dynamic business objectives. Here are some signs that it may be time to change your managed IT service provider.

Cybersecurity Concerns

Cyber attacks have become increasingly sophisticated and costly, and your firm’s cybersecurity must stay one step ahead of the threat actors. Relying on the same cybersecurity solutions you implemented just a couple of years ago leaves your firm vulnerable to the latest threats, which may utilize artificial intelligence (AI) and other innovations to break into systems and steal data with unprecedented speed and precision. 

Further, many law firms have adopted flexible workplaces since the pandemic, necessitating security that stretches beyond your four walls to wherever your team members are working. Your cybersecurity cannot be a one-and-done proposition; your provider must place a major emphasis on multi-faceted cybersecurity features on an ongoing basis, with redundant, defensive measures that include anti-virus and anti-malware software, security patch updates, secure DNS, 24x7x365 monitoring, strong password policies and multi-factor authentication (MFA), security audits, and security education and training for your team members. If your IT provider does not offer a robust suite of security features, or if you have concerns about the integrity of your firm’s security, this may indicate that it’s time to change providers.

Inability to Implement or Sustain Hybrid/Remote Work

Once rare in the legal industry, flexible workplaces have become commonplace since the pandemic. Many law firms have instituted a hybrid or remote work environment to attract and retain top talent, cut real estate costs, and/or realize other benefits. For a flexible environment to succeed, your technology must allow for secure, efficient work whether attorneys and staff are in the office, at home, or on the go. If your IT does not allow your team members to be as productive when working remotely as they are in the office, it may be time to overhaul your system. Cloud-based technologies such as Desktop as a Service (DaaS) are growing exponentially, largely because of their enhanced flexibility, ease of use, and elastic security. DaaS moves a company’s servers, desktops, applications, and files to a cloud service provider’s private cloud. A familiar Windows desktop is streamed to users, who can access all their applications and files from any device and any location. All connections take place in the provider’s secure environment for truly elastic security that stretches to wherever your team members are working and whatever device they are using.

Excessive IT Issues/Downtime

If your system is down an exorbitant amount of time, or if it runs slowly or causes users to log off and back on excessively, productivity and client service will decline and frustrations will soar. Excessive IT issues and downtime can be prevented with stable infrastructure, regular hardware and software updates, and proactive system monitoring to identify and fix small issues before they develop into bigger problems. if that isn’t the case with your provider, or if your system regularly moves at a snail’s pace, it may be time for a change.

Inefficient, Redundant Systems

Your IT system should be appropriately designed to align with the way your firm operates. Modern features like automating tools, which eliminate or streamline mundane tasks, and collaboration tools, which permit multiple users from diverse locations to access and work on the same files, allow for more efficient and productive operations. If your managed IT service provider does not take the time to understand the way your firm works and make proactive suggestions for state-of-the-art technology and tools to support your business goals, it may be time for a change.

Poor Support

When IT issues arise, technical support must be swift and effective at fixing the problem. If your provider’s helpdesk is slow to respond or struggles to fix the day-to-day issues your users experience, it may be time to switch to a more responsive provider with a deep bench of talented professionals and a stellar reputation for client service. 

What To Look for in a New Managed IT Service Provider

The pain points you experience with your current provider can help guide you in choosing a new managed IT service provider. Look for a technology company that will work as a strategic partner with your firm, taking the time to understand your operations and your goals and designing solutions to meet your objectives. The provider must place a strong emphasis on cybersecurity and defensive measures. Look for a partner that provides proactive 24x7x365 monitoring, so they may pinpoint and respond to threats and proactively fix IT issues before they turn into costly outages. To ensure you get the support you need, look for a firm whose help desk offers expert knowledge, fast response times, after-hours support for business critical issues, and on-site support when necessary.

TTabush Group is a leading provider of cloud Desktop as a Service and Managed IT Services for small to midsize law firms. To learn more about how our state-of-the-art IT solutions can make your firm’s operations more efficient and secure, contact us.

Topics: IT Best Practices Law Firm Desktop as a Service (DaaS) Managed IT