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Tabush Group's Cloud & Managed IT Blog

6 Reasons to Use Desktop as a Service

Desktop as a Service (DaaS) has been growing in popularity over the past several years, with an even greater focus since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. DaaS moves desktops and servers to the cloud, providing easy, secure access to your company’s files and applications from any device that is connected to the internet.

Tabush Group's Readiness Plan for Coronavirus

At Tabush Group, we are closely tracking the developments and recommendations of the CDC and other experts regarding coronavirus (COVID-19).  The health and safety of our employees and clients is of the utmost importance.

Your Law Firm is Evolving. So Should Your IT.

The business of owning and running a law firm constantly evolves, but has seen vast change, particularly over the last few years.

Disaster Prevention Checklist

A disaster in the IT world comes in many forms – natural disasters, ransomware, a cyber breach, and acts of terrorism, just to name a few.  These disasters disrupt normal business and can ultimately have severe and expensive consequences on a company’s reputation and bottom line.

The bad news is many companies think these disasters can never happen to them and don’t take the proper precautions; the good news is that prevention of many disasters is attainable, and planning ensures that when there is a disaster, your company is prepared to get back to business as usual.

Security is Not Just a Worry for the Enterprise

Equifax, one of the 3 largest credit agencies in the U.S., last week revealed a security breach which compromised over 140 million individuals’ personal information. While this is not the largest security breach ever in the US, because of the data that was taken, it has the potential to be the most severe, evidenced by the resignation of the company's CEO and the "retiring" of both their CIO and CSO (chief security officer).

When Disaster Strikes: What do extreme weather predictions and clouds have to do with one another?

To clarify the title of this post, I’m referring not to clouds up in the sky, rather the ones that live here on land, in data centers across the country and around the globe, and store our digital lives, from music and photo collections to critical business information and applications, better known as cloud computing.

Data Backup for Small Law Firms: 7 Important Things to Remember


Having helped create, implement, manage, and restore backup and disaster recovery plans for dozens of firms, the good news is that a solid backup plan is very doable; the bad news is that it’s not as simple as you may think. Here are some experience shares and reality checks.

Experts Recommend Offsite Backup and Business Continuity Plans

When a natural or man-made disaster occurs, it’s a troublesome experience; but it can be a beneficial lesson learned when planning for the next crisis. When you consider events like the 2011 Japanese tsunami, it’s no wonder effective offsite back ups and business continuity solutions are such an important topic today.

A report entitled Beyond the First 48 Hours published by PricewaterhouseCoopers in January 2013, recommended that corporations think past a crisis:

“Businesses, including small ones, must implement long-range plans for reestablishing operations and preserving their company’s brand. They must have effective Business Continuity Solutions in place that include Offsite Back Up and Disaster Recovery Plans to safeguard business data via offsite storage.”

Prepare Your Business for a Tornado Now Before It’s Too Late!

Tornados are one of mother nature's most unpredictable natural disasters that cause devisation to many businesses each year. It is important for businesses to take proper precautions to prepare for any given situation to reduce any risk from having to rebuild their firms.